Pumpkin Spice Latte Protein Bar

recipe of the week: Pumpkin Spice Latte Protein Bars

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This week’s recipe is Pumpkin Spice Latte Protein bars. This recipe comes from thegirlsonthebloor.com, see the link below.

Pumpkin Spice Latte Protein Bars

These seasonal protein bars are a delicious, healthy snack perfect for the fall. If you are one of those people that love this time of year for the pumpkin spice coffees and look forward to all the coffee shops rolling out the pumpkin spice. These are a skinny, filling version of all your favorite fall things.

All those Pumpkin Spice coffees and lattes are crazy high in sugar and therefore calories. If you are like a lot of our members, you are trying not to consume too many empty calories. These pumpkin spice latte protein bars are just the thing you need in your meal plan this time of year.

These pumpkin spice latte protein bars take about 15 minutes to prepare, then 20-30 minutes in the freezer to set up. The recipe makes about 8 bars depending on how you cut them.

Here is what you need and how to prepare your Pumpkin Spice Latte Protein Bars:



2 cups oat flour

2 cups protein powder

3/4 cup pumpkin puree

1/3 cup tahini

2 tbsp honey

1 tbsp instant coffee

2 tsp pumpkin pie spice

1 tsp vanilla

1 cup chocolate chips

2 tsp milk, water or cream (optional)


To Prepare Your Pumpkin Spice Waffles

1) Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl, using your hands near the end to completely blend everything together.

2) Squish all ingredients down into a greased 9x5in (1.5 qt) baking dish, or 8×8 dish for thinner protein bars, pressing down firmly and smoothing the top as much as possible. Freeze for 20-30 minutes.

3) Meanwhile, melt chocolate chips for 2 minutes in the microwave (I’ll use a bit of milk, water or cream sometimes to make them melt smoother but that’s totally optional).

4) Remove protein bars from the freezer and cut using a sharp knife, dividing into 8-10 pieces. Drizzle chocolate overtop, then serve and enjoy!

Note: You can extras in the freezer for meal prep purposes - they’ll keep up to 3 months in there!


Nutrition Information

Serving Size: 1 Calories: 292kcal Carbohydrates: 26g Protein: 19g Fat: 15g


For more healthy recipes like this check out our other blog posts at: www.bodyforcefitness247.com/blog/


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Recipes in this week’s blog came from The Girl on the Bloor;
